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Become a Partner Agency

Partner with Second Harvest

Second Harvest works closely with more than partner agencies across seven counties in Central Florida. Our network of partners encompasses a variety of different programs, such as pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, childcare facilities, senior centers, and group homes.

If you would like to become one of our Partner Agencies and help us fight hunger in Central Florida, please take a look at our Partnership Fact Sheet.

Applications are considered during our membership period between April 1st-June 1st annually. We may strategically consider membership at other times during the year, depending on the needs of the community. You are welcome to submit an application at any time but membership acceptance may be limited to the Food Bank's need.

If you feel you fulfill partnership requirements and interested in partnership during our membership period, your first step is please click on the link and complete the Pre-Screening Application. We will review and respond back to you as soon as possible to explore partnership opportunities.

Please contact our Agency Relations Team at if you need any assistance or if you have any questions completing this application.

You must submit the following documents below with your application.

  • Copy of your 501(c)(3) letter of determination. This must be the organization’s 501(c)(3). If you operate under an umbrella organization, please include a letter from this organization (on their letterhead) authorizing you to use their 501(c)(3).
  • EIN. If your organization’s 501(c)(3) does not list your Employee Identification Number, or if you are operating under another organization’s 501(c)(3), please provide this information.
  • Copy of the state tax exemption. This is only necessary if you plan to purchase non-food items such as paper products, toiletries, etc.
  • 3 month record of food distribution leading up to the application deadline for the program you are applying for. Hand written sign in sheets are most commonly used.
  • 3 letters of recommendation. Letters can be from volunteers, donors, clients, or business contacts. The content of the letter should describe the impact your program has on the community and should not be pre-written by the applicant.
  • Safe Food Handling certificate. This class can be found online at, costs $10 payable by credit card and lasts for three years. If you have any trouble with registration or the test, please contact Safeway. We are not affiliated with this provider and cannot assist you in registration or answering questions. This certification covers the person taking the class, not the organization. If the certificate holder leaves the organization, a new certificate must be submitted.
  • If you require your clients to complete an intake form or application that is separate from your sign-in sheet, please provide a blank copy.
  • If your organization is inspected by the Department of Health or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, please include a copy of your latest inspection or current certificate of operation.

To become a Partner Agency, your organization must be located in one of the Central Florida counties that we serve: .

Hunger In Our Community
Stories of Hope and Courage Click to read stories of hope and courage
Meet some of the people that your support helps. Read their stories.
Culinary Training program
Your support provides so much more than meals. Meet our students.
Food is more than a meal Food is more than a meal.
Thank you for making a difference. Watch here.
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$10 Donated provides 40 meals for our neighbors facing hunger.
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Contact Us 411 Mercy Drive, Orlando, Fl 32805Ph: 407-295-1066 | F: 407-295-5299 Visit our other sites: Feed Hope Now Blog Partner Agencies gogreenback with Second Harvest Food Bank