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Stories of Hope and Courage: Maria's Story
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Stories of Hope & Courage– Maria's Story


Despite our best planning, life happens. Plans change. Maria knows this all too well.

When she began to experience vertigo, her doctor told her that she couldn't drive or go to work.

"The situation was hard, very, very hard," Maria recalls. A friend told her about a food pantry that could help with groceries until she was able to go back to work.

"I called and, just like that, I had something to eat," says Maria. "Every time I needed food I went to the center."

Maria was able to take home all the items she needed to nourish her body fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and nonperishable staples. It provided the peace of mind she needed to focus on her health and get back to work.

"I'm very blessed. I don't know what would have happened without you."

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